We are on hiatus from traveling at will. We still enjoy a slower pace of life even though no longer on the road. In our world we continue living the dream...someday there may be jobs. We did get that small house and the RV stands ready and waiting for adventure.
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Tuesday, December 25, 2018
Sunday, December 23, 2018
It is very exciting to see some siding up. There will be work stopage for the next few days as we have the daughter and family here for Christmas but after our holidays we will be hitting it hard to get the siding DONE!
Friday, December 21, 2018
Garage Build Update
It does seem our progress has slowed down to the untrained eye. However, we are still plugging away. Our garage door openings have been readied for the install of their doors, which ohbytheway are on order and our walk-thru door was installed last weekend. In addition the soffits are up! It's the little things! Oh, and we have also put up a few of our firebreaks, along with the initial mapping out our electrical. Another update is that our siding has been secured. Shhhh it is not an exact match to our house but we don't think the neighbors will even notice so don't tell! Now if the weather holds out we hope to be putting said siding up just after the holidays! That will really be exciting and another big change in the overall look. But first there is fascia to get up to finish the roofline.
Tuesday, December 18, 2018
Twotti Fruitti Tuesday
If the weather holds we will see this crew next week. We couldn't be more excited! So we are praying for good travel weather for coming to and fro.
Tuesday, December 11, 2018
Twotti Fruitti Tuesday
She went back home again...so it is VERY quiet in the Meadow today. No worries if the weather holds she will return in a few weeks to celebrate the Christmas holidays!
Getting some reading in before she loads up to go North...
Getting some reading in before she loads up to go North...
Tuesday, December 4, 2018
Twotti Fruitti Tuesday
She's baaaaaaaaack!
She and her momma are here for the week. Can't wait to see what adventures we have. It's already been fun just getting her here. She traveled with her own facilities this trip just as we did for her mother. We also made a stop for cheesecake. She only wanted cake no cheese but she took a few bites anyway. And she likes that brown bread!
She and her momma are here for the week. Can't wait to see what adventures we have. It's already been fun just getting her here. She traveled with her own facilities this trip just as we did for her mother. We also made a stop for cheesecake. She only wanted cake no cheese but she took a few bites anyway. And she likes that brown bread!
Thursday, November 29, 2018
It's a wrap!
Our new garage is ALL wrapped up! We are glad to have that much done and looking forward to getting the siding up. We just beat the darkness getting the west side done as the sun set this evening. We did hit a snag with our siding though. Our hometown store which DID carry it told us they can no longer get the brand/color we have. We are now trying to source it from others outside the area. Certainly wouldn't want it to be too easy. Glad we did order a box when we first bought the house so we do have some extra pieces should we need them for the house itself. Next route would be to find a close enough match and hope for the best it is a detached garage. We shall see.
Tuesday, November 27, 2018
Twotti Fruitti Tuesday
It's a bit quiet around here today...cause the daughter went home. We had a nice week together and pray they have safe travels as the remnants of the midwest blizzard linger on the roadways. We only saw a dusting of snow with a bit of icing. North of here in KC they had a record snow of 5+ inches and in their town they had 9+ inches. Roadways are supposed to be good for travel today. I hope and pray so.
Until we see her again in a few days it's gonna be awfully quiet around here. Hopefully we are going to have a few mild days so we can continue to progress on our garage build.
Saturday, November 24, 2018
Major Progress
While we didn't get the roof shingled when we had wanted or planned we have shingles now. AND we have a strip of wrap up. This major progress is totally due to the daughter and family!
Tuesday, November 20, 2018
Sunday, November 18, 2018
One Year!
In many ways it doesn't seem as though it's been a full year then in other ways it seems it has been longer. We have been back in a sticks and bricks now for a whole year. It's been nice to have our own space and provide space for the Daughter and family. It' also been fun to host others. We are still not completely sure it was our best idea but we are making the most of it and learning some new things along the way. Fun fact we are still without real living room furniture. We often joke that we are living like college students again with mismatched, second hand, cast offs. That is starting to wear on me. I think I am ready for a couch. Just not certain what kind, how big or what color. So many decisions. We have been extremely mindful of furnishing this little abode, which seems on some days not so little and once in a great while too little but trust me that's not often. Funny how that is. Anyway we don't want stuff. We want practical, functional and preferably even multi-functional in our furnishings. We are winning on some fronts and nostsomuch on others! Definitely a process. But I'm seriously ready for a couch!!
In other news our Friday was quite productive! We now have trusses. Saturday we even got a little OSB in place on three sides along the bottom. It is coming along. Sheeting goes on the roof Monday and shingles will hopefully go up too. Then the completion of the OSB will follow.
In other news our Friday was quite productive! We now have trusses. Saturday we even got a little OSB in place on three sides along the bottom. It is coming along. Sheeting goes on the roof Monday and shingles will hopefully go up too. Then the completion of the OSB will follow.
Tuesday, November 13, 2018
Twotti Fruitti Tuesday
Is winter here? It's possible. We have had two, TWO snows in the last week. The first one was the 8th and then the 12th, yesterday, we had another round of that white stuff. Thankfully, we have done our part as far as we can on the new garage. We are just waiting for the supplemental crew to come onsite to do their part. Then it will be our turn again.
Tuesday, November 6, 2018
Saturday, November 3, 2018
All walled up!
A week after we started and a day of rain delay with a day off to the City for an appointment and we have ALL the outer walls in place!
Friday afternoon we had an extra set of hands help us get three more walls in place and on Saturday we placed the final wall on our own. WooHoo! Still have to add the header in the opening on the north door and the remaining cripple studs but we are calling this good for today! The last two days have been very long and physically demanding but we are savoring the progress. Trusses should be here next week!
Friday, November 2, 2018
Croquet anyone??
Sticklers are enjoying a bit of croquet this week. The weather isn't quite what we would enjoy but they do not seem to be annoyed by it!
Tuesday, October 30, 2018
Twotti Fruitti Tuesday
Someone has discovered a love for Pooh. She likes the Tigger and Piglet, too. These are vintage. Her momma loved on them first about 20 ish years ago. Her daddy has reported that she has yet to have one not in her hand at all times since they were brought out.
Love our Pooh lover!
Saturday, October 27, 2018
Significant Progress
Four walls are UP!!!!! WooHoo. We did need an extra set of hands as it was just a wee bit much for us to do. Only two more side walls and then the smaller ends. It's coming along!
Tuesday, October 23, 2018
Twotti Fruitti Tuesday
We had a blast at the Roca Berry Farm Pumpkin Patch last week! Then we enjoyed a W for our Sooners on Saturday before returning back to MO on Sunday. Thrilled to also get in a few pictures of our spunky little girl. Short but oh so sweet visit!

First thing Monday morning we had a delivery of garage supplies. Let the building begin...and it did! Walls are being built. And let me just tell you 12 foot IS tall! This is going to be awesome. But I think we may need to bring in outside help. Stay tuned on that front.

Thursday, October 18, 2018
Sticklers go to the beach.
Our stick people are hanging out at the beach this week! Rita is chilling with a Diet Dew while Hank just chills, little Bobbie is soaking up the rays on his beach towel. Happy Fall!
Tuesday, October 16, 2018
Twotti Fruitti Tuesday
Well, sadly it feels like we have gone from summer to winter. This does not make this fall loving gal very happy. We still have to get a trip to the Pumpkin Patch in. With the temps the last few days we are definitely feeling like fall has skipped us all together. It would be great to have it come and stay for several days or weeks.We would really like to get our little garage roughed in with walls and a roof before the snow flies!
Always, always, always love getting a call from our Bee who was cowgirling it up while we chatted!
Thursday, October 11, 2018
Swinging with the Sticklers
The Sticklers have been playing around on the swing set this week. Hank really enjoys the slide while Rita sticks to the swing. Little Bobbie is everywhere but currently on the glider. Happy Fall!
Tuesday, October 9, 2018
Tuesday, October 2, 2018
Twotti Fruitti Tuesday
Craziness is going on around the Meadow! The concrete job has been finished. Now we start the real work...the build. Slow and steady wins the race, right? Well we certainly have the slow part down. WIth the exception of cleaning up a little it's pretty much just like it was when they finished. Awaiting a couple loads of dirt and some lumber.
Pretty nice looking patio with garage in the background.
Tuesday, September 25, 2018
Twotti Fruitti Tuesday
We just spent a much too short visit with OK family. The church we were members of while there was celebrating their 75th Anniversary. It was great to see so many faces from days gone by and meet the new folks. I am still in disbelief we did not get any pictures...major fail on our part! Needless to say it was a great time of catching up, eating to much and restocking the OU gear stash!
After our too short OK visit we trucked on north to see the granddaughter. It's always a good time when we are with her and her mom and dad. I am astonished to say that she has turned into a little girl right before our eyes. She continues to grow in stature. She is much taller then her peer group. I say, "grow, little girl, grow"!
After our too short OK visit we trucked on north to see the granddaughter. It's always a good time when we are with her and her mom and dad. I am astonished to say that she has turned into a little girl right before our eyes. She continues to grow in stature. She is much taller then her peer group. I say, "grow, little girl, grow"!
Showing LaLa how to draw a face!
Random Thoughts,
Tuesday, September 18, 2018
Twotti Fruitti Tuesday
Exciting things are happening at 602. You may recall we normally refer to our new place as the Meadow; however, in some realms it is also known as 602. No matter what we call it we have some excitement around here for sure! We are making a home for ROADA. After some rain delays we are finally seeing action in the backyard this week. Stay tuned. While we are hiring out the concrete work, the rest is purely Stumble and Bumble back at action That is our plan right now anyway, we will see as time goes how that works out!
Tuesday, September 11, 2018
Twotti Fruitti Tuesday
Do you Remember?
I do...
We were in Alabama and I was on the phone with my cousin yakking away oblivious to the destruction happening in my country. My neighbor rang the doorbell to see if I was okay and that's when I became glued to the TV for the rest of the day. It's one of those moments in time I don't think I will ever forget. And while I would like to think that nothing like this will ever happen again I honestly can't say that I feel that is the case.
We have been fortunate to visit the Pentagon Memorial and the WTC Memorial in NYC. I would encourage you to try and visit them both. Extremely moving, especially the NYC site. Someday we hope to make it to the Pennsylvania field sight.
I do...
We were in Alabama and I was on the phone with my cousin yakking away oblivious to the destruction happening in my country. My neighbor rang the doorbell to see if I was okay and that's when I became glued to the TV for the rest of the day. It's one of those moments in time I don't think I will ever forget. And while I would like to think that nothing like this will ever happen again I honestly can't say that I feel that is the case.
We have been fortunate to visit the Pentagon Memorial and the WTC Memorial in NYC. I would encourage you to try and visit them both. Extremely moving, especially the NYC site. Someday we hope to make it to the Pennsylvania field sight.
Tuesday, September 4, 2018
Twotti Fruitti Tuesday
It's ALWAYS a great day when we get a call from the North! She was wound for sound and wanted to play Hide'n Seek. So, of course, we did. She was good at her counting and waiting for LaLa to hide. She was a habitual hider and picked the same spot each time! She is so much fun.
Monday, September 3, 2018
Labor Day
Gracious it was a LABOR day around here...not what we had planned (well, who am I kidding, we didn't really have any plans). Nevertheless, a broken pipe was repaired and a tree was moved. We only thought we knew where the water/sewer lines ran when we planted our trees...so a tree found a new home today, too! In case you are wondering that is a whole lot of digging around here!
Sunday, September 2, 2018
Addition to the family...
Soooooooo excited. Our niece and her husband and two children are welcoming another little one into the family.
My math says 2+2=5.
Annnnnnnd we are having another girl.
Oh the excitement. January 2019 we will welcome Baby M. There was a gender reveal at the farm last night. It was our first such type of gathering and all very exciting!
My math says 2+2=5.
Annnnnnnd we are having another girl.
Oh the excitement. January 2019 we will welcome Baby M. There was a gender reveal at the farm last night. It was our first such type of gathering and all very exciting!
This isn't the best picture but it's all I have since we were video calling with the NE family so they could be in on the reveal.
Tuesday, August 28, 2018
Tuesday, August 21, 2018
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