Happy day after Thanksgiving! So much to be thankful for...we have heat, lights, clothes, shoes, stocked cupboards, cars that run and a family we love. And most days they love us too! We enjoyed a bountiful feast, ate more then we should have but mostly enjoyed our time with each other. The tables were full, we were together this year. Last year we were in Tuscon waiting out a pretty good storm and our crew had just flown back to the the Big O after a week at the beach. PreCovid...or was it. Bee was sick as soon as they retunred home, a fever that just wouldn't go away or break. SuperTrooper suffered as well and daughter. Shortly after we returned to MO I fell ill to some sort of nastiness, I the one who is rarely ill. Hmmm, makes us wonder if we were afflicted before the outbreak was an outbreak.
So thankful for being here with Bee the last couple days. Daughter and family are still settling into their new town and learning about those little DIY homeowner projects that never end. They are still unpacking and arranging, painting and making it their home.
Stay safe, stay well!