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Monday, June 1, 2015

Twenty nine and counting...

Today marked 29 years that MiRV and I have been married. Not an easy feat with all of the things we have been through but we took our vows seriously and still do to this day.  It's not all rainbows and sparkly glitter but it's a lot of real life fun and we go to bed at night content with our life choices. We are not just what you think you see on the outside, we have had many ups and downs, we have weathered storms, we have  laughed together a lot, we have had spats and we can trust in the fact that when the baby needs to be called ugly we can do it and still love each other. It's work but it's rewarding work and worth it to keep our relationship together.

Today MiRV made a Facebook post and then we bantered a little back and forth throughout the day. His post is below.

Happy Anniversary!!!!!
In the past 29 years, we've traveled to 44 states and 16 countries while living in 8 states and 3 countries. I'm looking forward to topping that in the next 29 years and I could never imagine doing it with anyone else.
Thanks for the adventures!!! You are simply "THE BEST"

#‎lovemywife‬ ‪#‎lovetotravel‬ ‪#‎hittheroad‬ ‪#‎vandweller‬ ‪#‎militarymoves‬ ‪#‎ParliItaniano‬ ‪#‎NaoFazMal‬

My response was

It's been awesome good! Let's not forget those 3 states you have slipped into w/o me along with the 14 other countries and 1500 plus days you were away in these last 29 years! It's a good thing we have going, wouldn't want to be Living the Dream with anyone else but you!

He chimed in with this-

Living the Dream...with many more years (and miles) to go! 

And then popped back on to add this-

BTW: that's still about 9,000 days next to you smile emoticon #rightthere

My post to him was not so in detail, it simply said this -

Happy anniversary to myMxxxxx! We've definitely had the life and I look forward to many more years together on this road called life...what an adventure we've had!

We didn't have too big of a day. We did go to the movies over the weekend, Pitch Perfect 2 is hilarious, but honestly also somewhat crass; however there was lots of fun head bobbin' music! Tonight we did go to dinner at my favorite local Mexican restaurant. But the real pièce de résistance was me starting to burn the brush pile while MiRV was on the phone, I thought it would be our 30th anniversary before that thing was torched to the ground. It's so wet here, which is great and things are lush and green, but it made it hard for me to get the brush pile burning. Once he was off the telly he of course charged right over and started flames on the opposite side of the pile then made some adjustments to the flames I had going and before long he's got singed hair on various limbs and his head!! This man of mine certainly does nothing half way. After a nice bowl of potato soup for lunch we were going to burn pile number two. Easy, right? Yeah, no, he decides we will just move pile two over to hot burning pile one..UGH! Did I mention the yard is saturated? Yes, well, hey, there's been a lot of rain here and the yard is saturated. I did mention that about the yard being saturated, right? Sooooooo my shoes got soaked and my jeans were muddy but we moved that pile and got rid of three of the four stumps from a previous job we did.

It's been a fine day! Happy Anniversary to you myMiRV and to me, here's to 29 more!!

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