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Sunday, January 5, 2014

December Money Matters

Another month, another wrap up...

Still looking good, IMO, as we manage life on the "retirement" income. I am sooooo pleased that we are able to make this work, it's just awesomeness!

Most areas were on budget, money went into savings.  I have taken the time to go ahead and make some changes to some of the categories for the 2014 budget. I can tell you that things are going to be leaner in a few categories by choice (gifts/Christmas). Such a world of excess we live in, we will be scaling back. It's so NOT about buying gifts and not that we have ever been extravagant but even-so we have decided it will be less from us for next year. We are also looking at a raise, yes, I know, we will have $12.72 more funds in 2014. Doesn't sound like much you say?  Maybe not, but it's $152.64 a year more and we will definitely not be turning it down!

We have also talked about life after living in Sunny...that day will come and we need to at least be thinking of an exit strategy no matter when that day is! In addition we have also talked over upgrading Sunny. Both are realities we must put some thinking into! Much, much more thought then I want to think about today, however, it must be done. Soon, soon, we will think harder on it! But honestly, we shall just have to wait and see on so many things before making any real decisions but we just want to make sure we do have a plan. We definitely do not want to be without a plan so we will continue to think it through and see what transpires! 

We did NOT move this month! Woohoo!!! So we socked away that fuel money for the future!

Over on groceries, AGAIN, but I have raised that category for 2014 so hoping to see that stay within budget soon! 

Food Out was also over, so this category is getting upped for 2014 as well. 

Nothing else was over budget...

It was actually a really slow month expense wise with the exception of Christmas.I did transfer the money out of our Christmas Club account for that. 

Speaking of Christmas I was a little taken aback when I saw the final numbers...we didn't even do that much. We had 14 on our list and that didn't include MiRV and I. Our total was $642.39 for Christmas spending, which did include MiRV and I. Sooooo I have definitely tweaked this category for next year. And honestly I even scaled it back this year; so next year will be even more lean! Just sayin'! It's just the way it needs to be. 

Also the payment of personal property taxes was this month (OUCH) but again this came out of savings since we save all year long. Next year we may not have this expense as we continue to explore the option of changing our residency.

Our breakdown for December:
RV Slot Fee $500.00
RV Upkeep/Maint $3.97

Groceries $307.83 
Food Out $60.58
CRV Fuel$137.95

Health Ins $45.64

Gifts $41.16

Household $16.33
Entertainment $9.00

Tithe $350.00

That's it, that's the monthly looksey, a bit of our bucks did make it to savings. We are doing well, thank you Lord! Excitedly looking, watching and praying about what the New Year will hold for us!

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